negotiations 101.

When you get a response from an owner after submitting an offer for your client that isn't just a "no," but is a stab at you personally...what do you do?

I say, always take the HIGH road.

A little backstory:

I submitted an offer for a restaurant client. 

My client wants to open a restaurant, yes, a restaurant, at this time. Knowing that the dine in service would be limited, we sent an offer knowing that our sales would be at least 50% of what they normally would.  Plus, we have no idea what the turn around time will be from the city with permits and alcohol licenses to open. As I always do, I sent the offer in an email in which I called attention to the reasons the offer was drafted in this fashion and invited a call to discuss the offer further.

The 1st response we received from the owner was:

Thanks for the offer.  We’re going to go in a different direction.

Not one to take “no” for an answer, I followed up:

I have a call with my clients this afternoon and would greatly appreciate if you and I can chat.

I’d like a bit more clarity on why our offer was not well received. From my perspective there are very few restaurateurs in the market sending offers at this time.

Perhaps you are considering another concept?

Is there another operator that presented an offer that was more economically compelling?

Owner’s response:

It would be hard to imagine an offer less “economically compelling.”   Your perspective on the desperation of the market should be directed elsewhere.  

After the response above, I coordinated introducing my client with the owner directly, as I was surprised by the owners view.

About a week later, I received this from the owner:

You may have heard that we are close to reaching an agreement with X. They were very determined to be a part of the Y business community and asked that we meet with them directly despite us having absolutely no interest in the proposal you initiated.   Together, we came up with what we collectively consider a win/win scenario.   You are not represented in this deal.   Clearly, you never represented our interests.  X would have never been offered this opportunity as long as you were involved.   I don’t think you fit into this picture at all.   If you disagree and plan to complicate this situation, please let us know and we’ll go in a different direction.


I shared the email with my client, and they were just as speechless as I was.

Here’s my response to the owner:

I am saddened that we have never met in person, nor spoken over the phone, but based on the communication below I can only assume that you have had poor experiences with others in my industry. 

Life is short. The majority of my clients have become my closest friends, as the value I bring to our relationship goes well beyond a single lease transaction.  I have and will always look out for the best interests of my clients in doing what is right. I am glad that you have come to a collective a win/win scenario and I support my clients' desire to move forward.

That said, it's in everyone's best interest that you respect others and their professions so that they will act in kind in the future.

So, I ask, friends, how would YOU have handled it?

Would you consider spending money at any of this owners establishments?


life lessons.


the power of one.