Largest fast food franchise in the US

πŸ”The biggest fast food franchise in the United States.....

Is our nations public school - πŸšΈπŸŽ’

I recently listened to Andrew Huberman's podcast below. And yes, all 3 hours of it in which Robert Lustig, Professor of Endocrinology at UCSF and Chief Science Officer of Eat Real Certified, shared that when food service was removed from schools to external prep facilities in 1971, significant data to show that our IQ scores and reading and math scores in the US decreased.

Most recently in Atlanta, Jasmine Crowe-Houston, founder of GoodrCo. launched an online fundraiser to protect the children of Dekalb County from receiving an "alternative meal" of American Cheese and white bread for those who had unpaid meal balances. In a few days, Crowe-Houston's goal was met only to find out that a corporate foundation grant from Arby's Foundation had paid off the debt and Crowe-Houston refunded donors their money. (Bravo GOODR!)

According to the Nation's Restaurant News, America's school cafeterias serve 7M meals a year, more than McDonalds, Starbucks and Subway combined. We can do better in supporting better quality food for our children to nurture their growing brains and bodies without sugar and ultra-processed menus.

Want to know HOW we can be the change we wish to see?

Groups like:

  • GoodrCo. not only help with food waste solutions, but also aid with Hunger Relief Solutions.

  • Eat Real says real change starts in the cafeteria.

  • Meristem Communities - who started with #agrihoods and now are leaders in reshaping our neighborhoods.

Studying the above for the last thirty years, I am continuing to grow a team of insatiably curious individuals. Want to learn more? Let’s chat!


Transforming Food Deserts with Culinary Hubs: The Power of Food Halls


Leadership via buddhism + humility