Social Listening

Understanding your audience is more crucial than ever. Social listening has emerged as a powerful tool for brands to gain valuable insights into their customers' thoughts, preferences, and behaviors. Let's explore why social listening matters and dive into some eye-opening statistics.

What is Social Listening?

Social listening involves monitoring social media channels for mentions of your brand, competitors, products, and relevant industry keywords. It goes beyond simply tracking mentions - it's about analyzing the data to gain actionable insights.

The Power of Social Listening: Key Statistics

Widespread Social Media Usage

  • A staggering 58.4% of the global population actively engages with social media platforms, totaling nearly 4.62 billion users.

Impact on Purchasing Decisions

  • 79% of consumers say user-generated content significantly influences their purchasing decisions.

  • 71% of consumers who have a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend it to others.

Customer Service Expectations

  • 71% of Twitter users expect a brand to respond within an hour of tweeting a query.

  • 42% of consumers use social media to voice concerns, with 32% expecting a response within 30 minutes.

Business Benefits

  • 61% of businesses have implemented social listening systems to monitor keyword mentions.

  • 71% of companies find value in social media monitoring for gathering customer insights.

  • Engaging with customers on social media can boost their likelihood of making a purchase by 21%.

My 14 year old son has been asking to go to Raising Cane’s. The nearest location to us is 45 minutes away. How on earth is my 14 year old asking for a brand what is not convenient to us AND is something he AND his friends are pining for? Social Media.

Why Social Listening Matters

  1. Real-Time Insights: Capture immediate feedback and trends.

  2. Improved Customer Service: Address concerns promptly and effectively.

  3. Competitive Analysis: Stay ahead of industry trends and competitor strategies.

  4. Product Development: Gather ideas for improvements and new offerings.

  5. Crisis Management: Detect and address potential issues before they escalate.

Implementing Social Listening

To harness the power of social listening:

  1. Choose the right social listening tools

  2. Define clear goals and metrics

  3. Monitor relevant keywords and conversations

  4. Analyze data for actionable insights

  5. Adapt your strategy based on findings

By leveraging social listening, brands can create more targeted marketing campaigns, improve customer experiences, and ultimately drive business growth. How do you think we’re so good at what my team and I do at terra alma?

Want to know how you can leverage it to boost exposure for your city, your property, your site? Email me -


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