fika with me.


Enjoying my weekly TED website this week, I came across a must have for all of us….

fika, the Swedish word translates as “coffee and cake break,” yet it means so much more than that. Fika is a mindset: slowing down, being present, savoring the moment. When you fika, you put away the screens and sit down somewhere cozy. You sip your coffee (or your drink of choice). You nibble on a delicious cake or cookie. And you enjoy a proper chat with someone.

Before being inspired by Carl Honoré’s piece, I made it a point to meet with at least 2 new people each week. My position is that we all need to eat and we have 15 opportunities to do so every week, that we should expand our network and invite a few new folks to our table. In the role of founder for a boutique commercial real estate advisory that specializes in hyper local brands and operators, its imperative for me to take time to get to know these inspiring entrepreneurs.


I’ve curated a list over the last twenty years of living in Atlanta who I’d like to get to know, not because of their title, but because they inspired me in some way with the impact they have had on the city I call home. In addition to my who’s who Atlanta list, I am also an avid LinkedIn connector. Over the pandemic and as a people person, it was imperative for my sanity to stay connected and connect. I joined a writing group cohort and learned to become a better writer, built my own website and was inspired to start my own brokerage agency. These connections were not only nationally, but internationally, as there was no better time to reach out to people who were also home bound with the pandemic.


connecting with people is how information travels. being in the information business, my team and I are only as good as the information we can gather to support our clients desire to grow. want to open a new location in Sandy Springs? well, it helps to know existing operators and glean from them how their businesses are doing. if many independent restaurants in a neighborhood are performing consistently and with success, then so long as our clients are good operators, they should find success in this market as well.


if you’re an Atlanta based business owner and interested in connecting, I would love to extend an invitation to you for our next dinner.

to learn more, add your deets on the contact page HERE.


yellow is important.


conference success.