conference success.

before the event:

it's essential to understand what's expected of you. if you’re traveling through your company, ask your advisor, staff, and peers about the requirements, expected behavior and interactivity, and what you need to bring back. Most programs have a website and/or mobile app where you can find all the relevant information, including travel details, educational session schedules, and resources. Do your homework and set aside some time to review the content, download the app, and familiarize yourself with the event's schedule and most importantly, the layout of the conference. Be sure to note how far your hotel is from the conference hall so you can plan your time appropriately. .

during the event:

it's important to immerse yourself in the experience in a way that works for you. These events can be overwhelming, so make sure you take breaks and prioritize attending required parts. Take advantage of networking opportunities to meet other students with similar goals and aspirations. Exchange ideas, ask questions, and make new connections that could be helpful resources for you and your company.

When attending educational sessions, showcases, and keynotes, it's essential to divide and conquer by spreading out among different sessions to maximize your learning. Pay attention to the session's intended audience, and actively engage in the content by participating in activities, discussions, or taking notes. After the session, thank the presenter and ask any additional questions you may have.

after the conference/follow up:

take time to share your notes, biggest takeaways, and connections with others who were not able to attend. Hold a meeting with your team to debrief the experience and learning. Apply the knowledge you've gained by reviewing your notes and prioritizing what you've learned. most importantly, follow up with those who inspired you and with whom you connected with at the conference. if you do this, you’ll be in the 10% that do.


fika with me.


life lessons.